
//  MODULE : Str - Class Header						*
//  AUTHOR : Ron Chernich						*
//  PURPOSE: Derived from the Microsoft C/C++ tutorial material, this	*
//	     class performs dynamic allocation of memory, allowing re-	*
//	     sizeable objects.						*
//  HISTORY:								*
//   12-JAN-93	First (MSC/C++ 7.00) version				*
//   18-APR-94  == for char* added (would I ever like to rewrite this!) *

#ifndef _RCOS_STRING

  #define _RCOS_STRING

  #include "rcos.hh"

  class Str {
    char  *buf;
    INT16 length;
   ~Str (void);
    Str (void);
    Str (const char*);
    Str (char, INT16);
    Str (const Str&);
    Str&  operator = (const Str&);
    BOOL  operator == (const char*);
    void  StrSet (INT16, char);
    char  StrGet (INT16) const;
    char *StrGet (void) const { return buf; };
    INT16 StrGetLen (void) const { return length; };
    void  StrAppend (const char*);


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