
//  MODULE : Obj - Class Body						*
//  AUTHOR : Ron Chernich						*
//  PURPOSE: Class supporting geometric objects used by RCOS		*
//  HISTORY:								*
//   18-JAN-93	First (MSC/C++ 7.00) version				*

#include "obj.hh"

// very simple little 'critta makes no real assumptions about anything
point::point (INT16 n1, INT16 n2)
  x = n1, y = n2;

// Assignment operator
point& point::operator = (point &pt)
  x = pt.x, y = pt.y;
  return *this;

// assuming THIS (lvalue) is the origin,
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. point lies in second quadrent or on an axis boundary
//	    FALSE .. point (rvalue) lies inside other three quadrents
BOOL point::operator >= (point &pt)
  return (BOOL)((x >= pt.x) && (y >= pt.y));

// assuming THIS (lvalue) is the origin,
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. point on bounding axis or inside quadrents 1, 3 or 4
//	    FALSE .. point (rvalue) lies inside second quadrent
BOOL point::operator <= (point &pt)
  return (BOOL)((x <= pt.x) && (y <= pt.y));

void point::MovePt (INT16 n1, INT16 n2)
  x = n1, y = n2;

// Rectangle constructors with args..
rect::rect (point &pt1, point &pt2)

  ul = pt1, lr = pt2;

rect::rect (point &pt1, INT16 n1, INT16 n2)
  point pt2(n1, n2);

  ul = pt1, lr = pt2;

rect::rect (INT16 n1, INT16 n2, INT16 n3, INT16 n4)
  point pt1(n1, n2), pt2(n3, n4);

  ul = pt1, lr = pt2;

// RETURNS: TRUE if passed point is within the rectangle
BOOL rect::InRect (point &pt)

  return (BOOL)((pt >= ul) && (pt <= lr));

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