//  Program:       initx.c
//  Source:        Taken from page 8 of X Window Applications Programming
//                 by Johnson and Reichard
//  Purpose:       Inistialization code to talk to the X Server

#include "gfx.hh"

// Private prototypes

Window openWindow (int, int, int, int, int);
void closeWindow (Window);
int createGC (Window, GC *);
void setColor (char *, int);
XFontStruct *initFont (char *);

//  Private Globals.

Display *theDisplay;
Window theWindow;
GC theGC;
Colormap theColormap;
XFontStruct *theFont;

int theScreen;
int theDepth;

int nFgColor, nBgColor;

static char *colors[16] =
  "Black", "Blue", "Green", "Cyan", "Red", "Magenta", "Brown", "White",
  "DarkSlateGrey", "LightBlue", "LimeGreen", "LightBlue", "OrangeRed",
  "Magenta", "Yellow", "White"

// temporary variables used in GfxMoveTo and GfxLineTo

INT16 _startx, _starty;

//#include ""

// BOOL GfxInit( void )
// - sets up the connection to the X server and stores information about
//   the environment

GfxInit (void)
  int event_mask = KeyPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask;

  // Establish connection to the X Server
  theDisplay = XOpenDisplay (NULL);

  // Check the connection
  if (theDisplay == NULL)
      cerr << "GfxInit: Cannot Establish a connection to the X Server\n";
      return FALSE;

  // check for the default screen and color plane depth

  theScreen = DefaultScreen (theDisplay);
  theDepth = DefaultDepth (theDisplay, theScreen);
  theColormap = DefaultColormap (theDisplay, theScreen);

  theWindow = openWindow (10, 10, 640, 480, 0);
  setColor (colors[_DarkGrey], 2);

  if (theWindow == 0)
      cerr << "GfxInit: Cannot open the window\n";
      return FALSE;

  // Initalise what events we want the window to receive

  XSelectInput (theDisplay, theWindow, event_mask);

  if ((theFont = initFont ("6x13")) == NULL)
      cerr << "GfxInit: Cannot open the font\n";
      GfxClose ();
      return FALSE;

  XSetFont (theDisplay, theGC, theFont->fid);

  XFlush (theDisplay);
  return TRUE;

// void GfxClose( void )
// - close the connection to the X server

GfxClose (void)
  closeWindow (theWindow);
  XFreeFont (theDisplay, theFont);
  XCloseDisplay (theDisplay);

// GfxFill
// - not yet implemented under X

GfxFill (INT16 x, INT16 y, UINT16 nBound, UINT16 nColor)

// GfxPattern
// - not yet implemented under X

GfxPattern (UINT16 nStyle)

// void GfxMoveTo( int, int )

GfxMoveTo (INT16 x, INT16 y)
  _startx = x;
  _starty = y;

// void GfxLineTo( INT16, INT16 )

GfxLineTo ( INT16 x, INT16 y)
  XDrawLine (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, _startx, _starty, x, y);

//  XFlush( theDisplay );

  // make sure the next LineTo starts where this one finished
  _startx = x;
  _starty = y;

// void GfxTextColor( int )
// - set foreground (??text only??) color

GfxTextColor (UINT16 nColor)
  nFgColor = nColor;
  setColor (colors[nFgColor], 0);

// void GfxTextColorBg( int )
// - set background (??text only??) color

GfxTextColorBg (UINT16 nColor)
  nBgColor = nColor;
  setColor (colors[nBgColor], 1);

// void GfxText( int x, int y, char *st, int nStyle )
// - draw the passed text string at the passed location in the passed style
// - x, y is the top/left of the text extent
// - PROBLEM with X11, y marks the text base line, SOLN, subtract the
//   ascent (height above the base line) from y
// - for now nStyle is ignored

GfxText (INT16 x, INT16 y, char *st, UINT16 nStyle)
  setColor (colors[nFgColor], 0);
  if (nStyle == GFX_Replace)
      XDrawImageString (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, x, y + theFont->ascent,
			st, strlen (st));
      XDrawString (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, x, y + theFont->ascent,
		   st, strlen (st));
  // XFlush( theDisplay );

// int GfxTextExtent( char * )
// - return the number of pixels the string argument will occupy

GfxTextExtent (char *str)
  return XTextWidth (theFont, str, strlen (str));

// int GfxTextHeight( void )
// - return the height in pixels of a text character cell

GfxTextHeight (void)
  return (theFont->ascent + theFont->descent);

// PIMBUF GfxGetImage( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
// - store the bounded screen image bit map in the passed buffer
// - for X must translate a width, height

GfxGetImage (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2 )

  p = (pixmap_data *) malloc (sizeof (pixmap_data));

  if (p == NULL)
      cerr << "GfxGetImage: couldn't create pixmap_data\n";
      return NULL;

  p->width = x2 - x1;
  p->height = y2 - y1;

  p->pix = XCreatePixmap (theDisplay, theWindow, p->width, p->height,
  // XFlush( theDisplay );
  XCopyArea (theDisplay, theWindow, p->pix, theGC, x1, y1, p->width, p->height,
	     0, 0);
  // XFlush( theDisplay );
  return p;

// BOOL GfxPutImage( int x, int y, PIMBUF p )
// - place image at x, y 

GfxPutImage (INT16 x, INT16 y, PIMBUF p)

  XCopyArea (theDisplay, p->pix, theWindow, theGC,
	     0, 0, p->width, p->height,
	     x, y);
  // XFlush( theDisplay );
  return TRUE;

// GfxFreeImage( PIMBUF )
// - free up memory used by image

GfxFreeImage (PIMBUF p)
  XFreePixmap (theDisplay, p->pix);
  delete p;
  // XFlush( theDisplay );

// void GfxSetClip( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
// - set the clipping area for graphics

GfxSetClip (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2)
  XRectangle clipRects[1];

  clipRects[0].x = x1;
  clipRects[0].y = y1;
  clipRects[0].width = x2 - x1;
  clipRects[0].height = y2 - y1;

  XSetClipRectangles (theDisplay, theGC, 0, 0, clipRects, 1, Unsorted);
  // XFlush( theDisplay );

// void GfxClrClip( void )
// - return clip to entire region

GfxClrClip (void)
  XSetClipMask (theDisplay, theGC, None);
  // XFlush( theDisplay );

// void GfxRect
// - draw a rectangle

GfxRect (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2, UINT16 nStyle, UINT16 nColor)
  setColor (colors[nColor], 0);

  switch (nStyle)
    case GFX_Fill:
      XFillRectangle (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC,
		      x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
    case GFX_Frame:
      XDrawRectangle (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC,
		      x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
  // XFlush( theDisplay );
  setColor (colors[nFgColor], 0);


// void GfxCircle
// - draw a circle either filled or framed
// - X(Draw)(Fill)Arc draws an arc within a rectangle
//   modify input x, y, nRad to get upper left corner and width

GfxCircle (INT16 x, INT16 y, INT16 nRad, UINT16 nStyle, UINT16 nColor)
  int lx, ly, nWidth;

  lx = x - nRad;
  ly = y - nRad;
  nWidth = 2 * nRad;

  setColor (colors[nColor], 0);
  if (nStyle == GFX_Fill)
      XFillArc (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, lx, ly, nWidth, nWidth,
		0, 360 * 64);
      XDrawArc (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, lx, ly, nWidth, nWidth,
		0, 360 * 64);
  // XFlush( theDisplay );
  setColor (colors[nFgColor], 0);

// void GfxArc
// - draw an arc centred on x,y with radius nRad, beginning at dStart
//   degress (0 is straight up), ending at dEnd degrees

GfxArc (INT16 x, INT16 y, INT16 nRad, double dStart, double dEnd, UINT16 nColor)
  // XDrawArc starts at 3 o'clock angles are specified in units of
  // degrees * 64, see GfxCircle, note 360*64 (and are integers),  
  // x, y again specify bounding box (see GfxCircle)

  int lx, ly, nWidth, nStart, nEnd;

  lx = x - nRad;
  ly = y - nRad;
  nWidth = nRad * 2;

  nStart = (int) rint ((dStart) * 64) + 90;
  nEnd = (((int) rint ((dEnd))) + 90) * 64;

//  cout << "start at " << nStart << " finish at " << nEnd << '\n';

  setColor (colors[nColor], 0);

  XDrawArc (theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, lx, ly, nWidth, nWidth,
	    nStart, nEnd);

  setColor (colors[nFgColor], 0);

// X Windows specific functions

// Widow openWindow( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flag )
// - open a window a x,y with width,height
// - if flag > 0 then window is a pop-up

openWindow (int x, int y, int width, int height, int flag)
  XSetWindowAttributes theWindowAttributes;
  XSizeHints theSizeHints;
  unsigned long theWindowMask;
  Window theNewWindow;

  // set up some of the window attributes
  theWindowAttributes.border_pixel = WhitePixel (theDisplay, theScreen);
  theWindowAttributes.background_pixel = BlackPixel (theDisplay, theScreen);
  theWindowAttributes.override_redirect = False;

  nBgColor = BlackPixel (theDisplay, theScreen);
  nFgColor = WhitePixel (theDisplay, theScreen);

  theWindowMask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;

  // open the window
  theNewWindow = XCreateWindow (theDisplay, RootWindow (theDisplay, theScreen),
				x, y, width, height, 2, theDepth,
				InputOutput, CopyFromParent, theWindowMask,

  // tell window manager about the size and location of the window
  theSizeHints.flags = PPosition | PSize;
  theSizeHints.x = x;
  theSizeHints.y = y;
  theSizeHints.width = width;
  theSizeHints.height = height;

  XSetNormalHints (theDisplay, theNewWindow, &theSizeHints);

  // Create a graphics context
  if (createGC (theNewWindow, &theGC) == 0)
      XDestroyWindow (theDisplay, theNewWindow);
      return ((Window) 0);

  // place the window onto the screen
  XMapWindow (theDisplay, theNewWindow);

  // Flush out all the queued up X requests
  XFlush (theDisplay);

  return theNewWindow;

// void closeWindow( Window toClose )
// - close the passed in window

closeWindow (Window toClose)
  XDestroyWindow (theDisplay, toClose);

// int createGC( Window, GC *)
// - create the graphics context for the given window

createGC (Window theNewWindow, GC * theNewGC)
  XGCValues theGCValues;

  *theNewGC = XCreateGC (theDisplay, theNewWindow, (unsigned long) 0,

  if (*theNewGC == 0)
      cerr << "createGC: unable to create a GC\n";
      return 0;
      XSetForeground (theDisplay, *theNewGC, BlackPixel (theDisplay, theScreen));
      XSetBackground (theDisplay, *theNewGC, WhitePixel (theDisplay, theScreen));
      return 1;

// void setColor( char *, int )
// - accept a name describing the color and set color to it
// - if which = 0 then set foreground 
// - if which = 1 then set background
// - if which = 2 then set window background

setColor (char *theName, int which)
  XColor theRGBColor, theHardwareColor;
  int theStatus;

  if (theDepth > 1)
      theStatus = XLookupColor (theDisplay, theColormap, theName,
				&theRGBColor, &theHardwareColor);

      if (theStatus != 0)
	  theStatus = XAllocColor (theDisplay, theColormap, &theHardwareColor);

	  if (theStatus != 0)
	      if (which == 0)
		XSetForeground (theDisplay, theGC, theHardwareColor.pixel);
	      else if (which == 1)
		XSetBackground (theDisplay, theGC, theHardwareColor.pixel);
	      else if (which == 2)
		  XSetWindowBackground (theDisplay, theWindow, theHardwareColor.pixel);
		  XClearWindow (theDisplay, theWindow);
	      // XFlush( theDisplay );

// XFontStruct *initFont( GC, char *)
// - initialize a font for use
// - return NULL on an error

XFontStruct *
initFont (char *fontName)
  XFontStruct *fontStruct;

  fontStruct = XLoadQueryFont (theDisplay, fontName);

  if (fontStruct != 0)
      XSetFont (theDisplay, theGC, fontStruct->fid);
      return (NULL);

  return fontStruct;