//  MODULE : Gfx - Module functions and globals                           *
//  AUTHOR : Ron Chernich                                                 *
//  PURPOSE: This module contains all the compiler dependant primitives.  *
//  HISTORY:                                                              *
//   02-DEC-92  First (MSC/C++ 7.00) version                              *
//   24-JAN-93  Clipping routines added                                   *
//   07-APR-93  Borland pixel addressing is relative clip origin!!        *
//   23-MAY-93  Explicit path removed from BC  (Needs EGAVGA)  *
//   05-FEB-94  GfxFill combined into GfxRect 'cause Xlib has no support! *

#include "gfx.hh"

/*************** MICROSOFT AND SYMANTIC SPECIFIC CODE ********************/

#if defined(MSC700) || defined(SYM60)

  * variables private to this module..
  static double dRadFac;                          /* degrees -> radians   */
  static UINT16 nFillStyle;                       /* current fill style   */
  static UINT16 nFgColor, nBgColor;               /* stored color setings */
  static unsigned char __far *pSolidMask;         /* solid pattern mask   */
  static unsigned char pDotMask1[8] =             /* 50% background mask  */
  static unsigned char pDotMask2[8] =             /* 25% background mask  */

  * Take whatever actions required to place the system in graphics mode
  * and ensure resolution is at least 640 x 480 pixels. The coordinate
  * convention requires the the screen top/left is (0, 0).
  * RETURNS:    TRUE  .. ready for operation
  *             FALSE .. unable to set graphics mode
  BOOL GfxInit (void)
    struct videoconfig vc;
    static char *pszEmsg = "RCOS: %s!\n";
    static char *pszErrs[] = {"Can't find Font files",
			     "Graphics initialization error",
			     "Insufficient display resolution"};

    dRadFac = atan(1.0)/(double)45.0;
    if (_registerfonts("*.FON") < 0)
      fprintf(stderr, pszEmsg, pszErrs[0]);
    else {
      if (_setvideomode(_VRES16COLOR) == 0)
	fprintf(stderr, pszEmsg, pszErrs[1]);
      else {                                                                
	nFillStyle = GFX_Solid;
	pSolidMask = _getfillmask(pSolidMask);
	if ((vc.numxpixels >= GFX_Xmin) && (vc.numypixels >= GFX_Ymin)) {
	  _setviewport(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, GFX_Ymin-1);
	  _setcliprgn(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, GFX_Ymin-1);
	fprintf(stderr, pszEmsg, pszErrs[2]);

  * Return system to "normal" operation.
  void GfxClose (void)

  * Limit the area in which graphic operations will occur.
  void GfxSetClip (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2)
    _setcliprgn(x1, y1, x2, y2);

  * Permit drawing of graphics and text fonts anywhere on "our" screen..
  void GfxClrClip (void)
    _setcliprgn(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, GFX_Ymin-1);

  * Set the position for the next operation..
  void GfxMoveTo (INT16 x, INT16 y)
    _moveto(x, y);

  * Draw a line from the "current" location to the passed location
  * using the current color.
  void GfxLineTo (INT16 x, INT16 y)
    _lineto(x, y);

  * Returns the number of pixels the string argument will occupy
  UINT16  GfxTextExtent (char *str)
    return (UINT16)(_getgtextextent(str));

  * Returns the height (in pixels) of a text character cell
  UINT16  GfxTextHeight (void)
    struct _fontinfo vc;

    return (UINT16)(vc.pixheight);

  * Set the graphics fill mode to specified pattern
  void GfxPattern (UINT16 nStyle)
    nFillStyle = nStyle;

  * Sets the foreground color for text output
  void GfxTextColor (UINT16 nColor)
    nFgColor = nColor;

  * Sets the background color for text outout
  void GfxTextColorBg (UINT16 nColor)
    nBgColor = nColor;

  * Draw a circle, centred on  of radius , in passed style
  * and color
  void GfxCircle (INT16 x, INT16 y, INT16 nRad, UINT16 nStyle, UINT16 nColor)
    INT16 x1, y1, x2, y2;

    x1 = x - nRad, y1 = y - nRad;
    x2 = x + nRad, y2 = y + nRad;
    switch (nStyle) {
      case GFX_Fill:  _ellipse(_GFILLINTERIOR, x1, y1, x2, y2); break;
      case GFX_Frame: _ellipse(_GBORDER, x1, y1, x2, y2);       break;

  * Draw an arc centred on  of radius , beginning at 
  * degrees (zero is straight up), ending at  degrees.
  void GfxArc (INT16 x, INT16 y, INT16 nRad,
	       double dStart, double dEnd, UINT16 nColor)
    INT16 x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

    x1 = x - nRad, y1 = y - nRad;
    x2 = x + nRad, y2 = y + nRad;
    y3 = y - (INT16)((double)nRad * sin(dStart * dRadFac));
    y4 = y - (INT16)((double)nRad * sin(dEnd * dRadFac));
    x3 = (dStart >= 180.0) ? x1 : x2;
    x4 = (dEnd >= 180.0) ? x1 : x2;
    _arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);

  * Draw a rectangle bracketed by  (Top Left) and 
  * (Bottom Right), of passed style and Color.  If the currnet style
  * is not GFX_Solid, we dither based on the current background color.
  * Because the FloodFill used to dither needs a bounding color, for
  * simplicity, we (blindly) assume _Black (this is all your fault, DJ).
  void GfxRect (INT16 x1, INT16 y1,
		INT16 x2, INT16 y2, UINT16 nStyle, UINT16 nColor)
    switch (nStyle) {
      case GFX_Frame:
	_rectangle(_GBORDER, x1, y1, x2, y2);
      case GFX_Fill:
	_rectangle(_GFILLINTERIOR, x1, y1, x2, y2);
	if ((nFillStyle != GFX_Solid) && (nBgColor != nColor)) {
	  _setfillmask(((nFillStyle == GFX_HalfTone) ? pDotMask1:pDotMask2));
	  _setcolor(nBgColor), _floodfill(x1+1, y1+1, _Black);

  * Draw the passed text string at the passed location, in the passed style,
  * using the current colors (point  marks top/left of text extent).
  void GfxText (INT16 x, INT16 y, char *st, UINT16 nStyle)
    if (nStyle == GFX_Replace) {
    _moveto(x, y);

  * Allocate a mamory block to hold the bounded screen image bit map
  * in the passed co-ords and store it.
  * RETURNS: pointer to storage, or NULL if unable to comply
  PIMBUF GfxGetImage (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2)
    PIMBUF p;
    if (p = (PIMBUF)_fmalloc((size_t)_imagesize(x1, y1, x2, y2)) )
      _getimage(x1, y1, x2, y2, p);
    return p;

  * copy the image in the passed buffer to the screen at x, y,
  BOOL GfxPutImage (INT16 x, INT16 y, PIMBUF p)
    _putimage(x, y, p, _GPSET);
    return (BOOL)_grstatus();

  * copy the image in the passed buffer to the screen at x, y,
  * then release the storage.
  void GfxFreeImage (PIMBUF p)
    if (p)
      _ffree((void far*)p);

#endif         /************** END MICROSOFT SPECIFIC CODE ***************/

#ifdef BC31    /***************** BORLAND C/C++ 3.1 ***********************
	       * CAUTION: File "EGAVGA.BGI" must be in the RCOS start-up
	       * directory (or change to link-in the binary - see UTIL.DOC)
	       * Author's Lament: The Borland BGI is infinitely inferior
	       * to Microsoft's graphic support.  If you can only afford
	       * one real C/C++ development system, do NOT by swayed by
	       * Phillipe's slick advertising.  Yes, his IDE is faster for
	       * development than MS Programmer's Workbench, but MS C/C++
	       * 7.0 compiles smaller, runs faster, optimises better (if
	       * slower) and the Graphic services and font support are FAR
	       * superior.  Finally, MS "Code View" urinates on the Turbo
	       * Debugger from a great height.  Evidence: look at what has
	       * to be done in this module to achieve a PALE imitation of
	       * what the MS code does so simply, and see how much faster
	       * the prittier MSCV700 version runs.      (arcy, 27-JAN-93)

  * variables private to this module..

  static BOOL   bVpActive;                      /* set when clipping on */
  static INT16  vpxo, vpyo;                     /* view port origin     */
  static UINT16 nFillStyle;                     /* stored fill pattern  */
  static UINT16 nFgColor, nBgColor;             /* stored color setings */
  #ifdef BC20
  static char pDotMask1[8] =           /* 50% background mask  */
  static char pDotMask2[8] =           /* 25% background mask  */
  static unsigned char pDotMask1[8] =           /* 50% background mask  */
  static unsigned char pDotMask2[8] =           /* 25% background mask  */

  * Take whatever actions required to place the system in graphics mode
  * and ensure resolution is at least 640 x 480 pixels. The coordinate
  * convention requires the the screen top/left is (0, 0).
  * RETURNS:    TRUE  .. ready for operation
  *             FALSE .. unable to set graphics mode
  BOOL GfxInit (void)
    int gdriver, gmode, errorcode;
    static char *pszEmsg = "RCOS: %s!\n";
    static char *pszErrs[] = {"Graphics initialization error",
			     "Insufficient display resolution"};

    gdriver = DETECT;
    initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, NULL);
    errorcode = graphresult();
    if (errorcode != 0)
      fprintf(stderr, pszEmsg, pszErrs[0]);
    else {
      nFillStyle = GFX_Solid;
      if ((getmaxx()+1 >= GFX_Xmin) && (getmaxy()+1 >= GFX_Ymin)) {
      fprintf(stderr, pszEmsg, pszErrs[1]);
    return FALSE;

  * Return system to "normal" operation.
  void GfxClose (void)

  * We can't actually set a clipping reigon using the BGI.  The best
  * alternate is to set a viewport (refer UCQ 84247, Graphics) which
  * makes subsequent output relative to the top left corner, then
  * set a switch and store the origin as an offset which needs to be
  * subrtacted from all coordinates while the switch is set (uugh).
  void GfxSetClip (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2)
    bVpActive = TRUE;
    vpxo = x1, vpyo = y1;
    setviewport(x1, y1, x2, y2, TRUE);

  * Permit drawing of graphics and text fonts anywhere on "our" screen..
  void GfxClrClip (void)
    bVpActive = FALSE;
    vpxo = 0, vpyo = 0;
    setviewport(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, GFX_Ymin-1, TRUE);

  * Set the position for the next operation..
  void GfxMoveTo (INT16 x, INT16 y)
    if (bVpActive)
      moveto(x-vpxo, y-vpyo);
      moveto(x, y);

  * Draw a line from the "current" location to the passed location
  * using the current color.
  void GfxLineTo (INT16 x, INT16 y)
    if (bVpActive)
      lineto(x-vpxo, y-vpyo);
      lineto(x, y);

  * Returns the number of pixels the string argument will occupy
  UINT16 GfxTextExtent (char *str)
    return (UINT16)textwidth(str);

  * Returns the height (in pixels) of a text character cell. ASIDE: why
  * does the BGI need a parameter? ENDOFASIDE.  Note:  I have increased
  * the cell height set by Borland for aesthetic reasons. The 
  * routine compensates accordingly.
  UINT16 GfxTextHeight (void)
    return (UINT16)(textheight("I") + 2);

  * Set the graphics fill mode to specified pattern
  void GfxPattern (UINT16 nStyle)
    nFillStyle = nStyle;

  * Sets the foreground color for text output
  void GfxTextColor (UINT16 nColor)
    nFgColor = nColor;

  * Sets the background color for text outout
  void GfxTextColorBg (UINT16 nColor)
    nBgColor = nColor;

  * Draw a circle, centred on  of radius , in passed style
  * and color.  NOTE: Ignores clipping! (see also color lament above).
  void GfxCircle (INT16 x, INT16 y, INT16 nRad, UINT16 nStyle, UINT16 nColor)
    if (bVpActive)
      x -= vpxo, y -= vpyo;
    switch (nStyle) {
      case GFX_Frame:
	circle(x, y, nRad);
      case GFX_Fill:
	setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, nColor);
	fillellipse(x, y, nRad, nRad);

  * Draw an arc centred on  of radius , beginning at 
  * degrees (zero is straight up), ending at  degrees.
  * NOTE: Ignores clipping!
  void GfxArc (INT16 x, INT16 y, INT16 nRad,
	       double dStart, double dEnd, UINT16 nColor)
    if (bVpActive)
      x -= vpxo, y -= vpyo;
    arc(x, y, (int)dStart, (int)dEnd, nRad);

  * Draw a rectangle bracketed by  (Top Left) and 
  * (Bottom Right), of passed style and Color.  NOTE: Ignores clipping!
  * This one is real bad.  There is simply no way that the background color
  * in the filled area can be anything other than BGI color zero (normally
  * black).  This means we can't dither new and attractive shades like the
  * Microsoft code can - jeeze.
  void GfxRect (INT16 x1, INT16 y1,
		INT16 x2, INT16 y2, UINT16 nStyle, UINT16 nColor)
    if (bVpActive)
      x1 -= vpxo, y1 -= vpyo, x2 -= vpxo, y2 -= vpyo;
    if (nStyle == GFX_Frame)
      rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    if (nStyle == GFX_Fill) {
      setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, nColor);
      bar(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    if ((nFillStyle != GFX_Solid) && (nBgColor != nColor)) {
      setfillpattern(((nFillStyle == GFX_HalfTone)?pDotMask1:pDotMask2),
      floodfill(x1+1, y1+1, _Black);

  * Draw the passed text string at the passed location, in the passed style,
  * using the current colors (point  marks top/left of text extent).
  void GfxText (INT16 x, INT16 y, char *st, UINT16 nStyle)
    if (nStyle == GFX_Transparent) {
      if (bVpActive)
	x -= vpxo, y -= vpyo;
      outtextxy(x, y+1, st);

  * Allocate a mamory block to hold the bounded screen image bit map
  * in the passed co-ords and store it.
  * RETURNS: pointer to storage, or NULL if unable to comply
  PIMBUF GfxGetImage (INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2)
    PIMBUF p;
    if (p = farmalloc((unsigned long)imagesize(x1, y1, x2, y2)) ) {
      if (bVpActive)
	x1 -= vpxo, y1 -= vpyo, x2 -= vpxo, y2 -= vpyo;
      getimage(x1, y1, x2, y2, p);
    return p;

  * copy the image in the passed buffer to the screen at x, y
  BOOL GfxPutImage (INT16 x, INT16 y, PIMBUF p)
    if (bVpActive)
      x -= vpxo, y -= vpyo;
    putimage(x, y, p, COPY_PUT);

  * copy the image in the passed buffer to the screen at x, y
  * then release the storage.
  void GfxFreeImage (PIMBUF p)
    if (p)
      farfree((void far*)p);

#endif     /******************* END BORLAND C/C++ 3.1 ********************/

/********************************** eof **********************************/