//  MODULE : Gfx - Module functions and globals                           *
//  AUTHOR : Ron Chernich                                                 *
//  PURPOSE: This module contains all the compiler dependant primitives.  *
//  HISTORY:                                                              *
//   02-DEC-92  First (MSC/C++ 7.00) version                              *
//   24-JAN-93	Clipping routines added 				  *
//   07-APR-93  Borland pixel addressing is relative clip origin!!        *
//   23-MAY-93  Explicit path removed from BC  (Needs EGAVGA)  *
//   05-FEB-94  GfxFill combined into GfxRect 'cause Xlib has no support! *

#include "gfx.hh"

#ifdef DOS_ENV
  #include "gfxdos.cpp"

#ifdef UNIX
  #include ""