
//  MODULE : Ctrls - Class bodies code for Pb, Rb and Sys objects	  *
//  AUTHOR : Ron Chernich                                                 *
//  PURPOSE: Provides MS Windows-like GUI controls for graphic DOS mode   *
//           programs, specifically:                                      *
//              Check Box (Cb)                                            *
//              Push Buttons (Pb)                                         *
//              Radio Buttons (Rb)                                        *
//              System Controls (Sys)                                     *
//  HISTORY:                                                              *
//   19-JAN-93  First (MSC/C++ 7.00) version                              *
//   24-JAN-93	Modified to use Clipping where speed was low.		  *
//   02-FEB-94  ALT-F5 redraw key added to system control gadget.         *
//   04-FEB-94  BIOS_GET_TICKS macro changed to Timer::GetTock func call  *

#include "ctrls.hh"

// Routine to label a Push Button, Radio Button or Check Box ..
// An optional ampersand in the string is used as an escape char to place an
// underline under the following character (which is the accelerator). Labels
// longer than 128 characters will be truncated (character-wise).  All labels
// are clipped (horizontally and vertically) into the passed bounding
// rectangle.  The text justification relative to x1/x2 is specified in
// .  You can fool this routine in several ways, but it was designed
// to be fast, not bullet proof.
static void CtrlTxtLab (char *st, rect &r, UINT16 uMode, UINT16 nColor)
  #define MAXLEN 128

  INT16 x, y, dx, dy, xln;
  char  *cp, str[MAXLEN], st1[2];

  if ((dx = MAX(0, r.lr.x-r.ul.x)) && (dy = MAX(0, r.lr.y-r.ul.y))) {
    xln = -1;
    y = r.ul.y + ((dy - GfxTextHeight()) >> 1) + 1;
    strncpy(str, st, MAXLEN-1);
    str[MIN(strlen(st),MAXLEN-1)] = '\0';
    if (cp = strchr(str, '&')) {
      *cp = '\0';
      xln = GfxTextExtent(str);
      strcpy(cp, cp+1);
      st1[0] = *cp, st1[1] = '\0';
    x = r.ul.x + 1;
    if (uMode == CTLS_Centre)
      x += (dx - GfxTextExtent(str)) >> 1;
    if (uMode == CTLS_RJustify)
      x += (dx - GfxTextExtent(str));
    GfxSetClip(r.ul.x, r.ul.y, r.lr.x, r.lr.y);
    Mickey.AutoPointer(r.ul.x, r.ul.y, r.lr.x, r.lr.y);
    GfxText(x, y, str, GFX_Transparent);
    if (xln >= 0) {
      x += xln;
      y += (GfxTextHeight() - GFX_UlnOffset);
      GfxMoveTo(x, y), GfxLineTo(x+GfxTextExtent(st1), y);

// A (horrible) time consumer - used to ensure hardware independant
// graphic button activation simulation..
static void CtrlDelay (UINT32 lTks)
  UINT32 lLim, lNow;

  lNow = Clock.GetTocks();
  lLim = lNow + lTks;
  while (lLim > lNow)
    lNow = Clock.GetTocks();

// Perform initial rendering of passed push button
void PbCtrl::Render (btn *p)
  INT16 x1, y1, x2, y2;

  x1 = p->r.ul.x + 1;
  y1 = p->r.ul.y + 1;
  x2 = p->r.lr.x - 1;
  y2 = p->r.lr.y - 1;
  GfxRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, GFX_Fill, _White);
  GfxMoveTo(x1, y2), GfxLineTo(x2, y2), GfxLineTo(x2, y1);
  GfxMoveTo(x1, y2-1), GfxLineTo(x2-1, y2-1), GfxLineTo(x2-1, y1);
  GfxMoveTo(x1, y2), GfxLineTo(x1, y1), GfxLineTo(x2, y1);
  GfxMoveTo(x1+1, y2-1), GfxLineTo(x1+1, y1+1), GfxLineTo(x2-1, y1+1);
  GfxMoveTo(x1, y1-1), GfxLineTo(x2, y1-1);
  GfxMoveTo(x1-1, y1), GfxLineTo(x1-1, y2);
  GfxMoveTo(x1, y2+1), GfxLineTo(x2, y2+1);
  GfxMoveTo(x2+1, y1), GfxLineTo(x2+1, y2);
  if (p->pst) {
    rect rr = p->r;
    rr.ul.y += 2, rr.lr.y -= 2, rr.ul.x += 4, rr.lr.x -= 4;
    CtrlTxtLab(p->pst->StrGet(), rr, CTLS_Centre);

// Toggle button status and redraw its graphic state accordingly.
void PbCtrl::Toggle (btn *p)
  PIMBUF pImage;
  INT16  x1, y1, x2, y2;

  x1 = p->r.ul.x + 1, y1 = p->r.ul.y + 1;
  x2 = p->r.lr.x - 1, y2 = p->r.lr.y - 1;
  p->status = (p->status & 0xfffe) | ((p->status & 0x01) ^ 0x01);
  if (p->status & 0x01) {
    if (pImage = GfxGetImage(x1+2, y1+2, x2-2, y2-2)) {
      GfxPutImage(x1+4, y1+4, pImage);
    GfxMoveTo(x1, y2), GfxLineTo(x1, y1), GfxLineTo(x2, y1);
    GfxMoveTo(x1+1, y2), GfxLineTo(x1+1, y1+1), GfxLineTo(x2, y1+1);
    GfxMoveTo(x1+2, y2), GfxLineTo(x1+2, y1+2), GfxLineTo(x2, y1+2);
    GfxMoveTo(x1+3, y2), GfxLineTo(x1+3, y1+3), GfxLineTo(x2, y1+3);
  else {
    if (pImage = GfxGetImage(x1+4, y1+4, x2, y2)) {
      GfxPutImage(x1+2, y1+2, pImage);
    GfxMoveTo(x1+1, y2), GfxLineTo(x2, y2), GfxLineTo(x2, y1-1);
    GfxMoveTo(x1+2, y2-1), GfxLineTo(x2-1, y2-1), GfxLineTo(x2-1, y1-1);
    GfxMoveTo(x1, y2), GfxLineTo(x1, y1), GfxLineTo(x2, y1);
    GfxMoveTo(x1+1, y2-1), GfxLineTo(x1+1, y1+1), GfxLineTo(x2-1, y1+1);

// Create a new push button as defined by the passed params and draw it.
// The four coords define the upper-left and lower right limits of the
// button graphic (we assume the deltas are positive!).
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. button added to list
//          FALSE .. unable to create button
BOOL PbCtrl::Create (UINT16 n, char *st, 
                     INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2)
  btn *pb;
  BOOL bOk;
  rect r(point(x1, y1), point(x1+x2, y1+y2));

  if (bOk = BtnNew(n, st, r)) {
    pb = (btn*)DblGetTail();
  return bOk;

// Remove button with passed ID from the list (if it exists)
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. button destroyed
//	    FALSE .. did not exist!
BOOL PbCtrl::Destroy (UINT16 n)
  BOOL bRes = BtnFind(n);

  if (bRes)
  return bRes;

// Whack through the list to see if any button corresponds to the passed
// ALT-key scan code.  If so, graphiically "click" it and return its ID.
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of button pressed.
UINT16 PbCtrl::Scan (char ch)

  if (BtnHit(ch)) {
    Mickey.AutoPointer(pb->r.ul.x, pb->r.ul.y, pb->r.lr.x, pb->r.lr.y);
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// Same as above, but using a point as the event trigger..
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of Push button clicked..
UINT16 PbCtrl::Scan (point& Pt)

  if (BtnHit(Pt)) {
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// Repaint all defined push buttons
void PbCtrl::Refresh (void)
  btn *pb;

  pb = (btn*)DblGetHead();
  while (pb) {
    pb = (btn*)DblGetNext();
// Draw and optionally label a Radio Button.
void RbCtrl::Render (btn *p)

  p->status = (p->status & 0xfffe) | ((p->status & 0x01) ^ 0x01);
  if (p->pst) {
    rect rr = p->r;
    rr.ul.x += (RB_Radius << 1) + GfxTextExtent(" ");
    CtrlTxtLab(p->pst->StrGet(), rr, CTLS_LJustify);

// This constructor could have been in the class definition, but a little
// explaination is in order.. Every "group" (instance) of Radio Buttons
// must act in a mutually exclusive way (only one ON at any one time).
// When an instance is created, a default param sets the state to OFF, but
// this can be over-ridden.  The boolean  is cleared after
// the first button is created in the ON state, preventing a (dumb) user
// from creating an impossible situation with further ON buttons.
RbCtrl::RbCtrl ()

  bNoDefault = TRUE;

// Toggle button status and redraw its graphic state accordingly.
void RbCtrl::Toggle (btn *p)
  BOOL bOn;
  INT16 x1, y1;

  x1 = p->r.ul.x + RB_Radius;
  y1 = p->r.ul.y + ((p->r.lr.y - p->r.ul.y) >> 1);
  p->status = (p->status & 0xfffe) | ((p->status & 0x01) ^ 0x01);
  bOn = (BOOL)(p->status & 0x01);
  Mickey.AutoPointer(p->r.ul.x, p->r.ul.y,
    p->r.ul.x+(RB_Radius << 1), p->r.ul.y+(RB_Radius << 1));
  GfxCircle(x1, y1, RB_LedRad, GFX_Fill, (bOn ? _Red : _White));
  GfxArc(x1, y1, RB_Radius, 225.0, 45.0, (bOn ? _DarkGrey : _BrightWhite));
  GfxArc(x1, y1, RB_Radius, 45.0, 225.0, (bOn ? _BrightWhite : _DarkGrey));

// Create a new Radio Button as defined by the passed params and draw it.
// The coords define the centre of the actual button.  A "Hot" area is
// developed from this to include the button label.
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. button added to list
//          FALSE .. unable to create button
BOOL RbCtrl::Create (UINT16 n, char *st, INT16 x, INT16 y, BOOL bDefault)
  btn *rb;
  BOOL bOk;
  rect r;

  r.ul.x = MAX(0, x - RB_Radius);
  r.ul.y = MAX(0, y - MAX(RB_Radius, GfxTextHeight() >> 1));
  r.lr.y = y + MAX(RB_Radius, GfxTextHeight() >> 1);
  r.lr.x = x + GfxTextExtent(" ") + (RB_Radius << 1);
  r.lr.x += GfxTextExtent(st);
  if (strchr(st, '&'))
    r.lr.x -= GfxTextExtent("&");
  if (bOk = BtnNew(n, st, r)) {
    rb = (btn*)DblGetTail();
  if (bDefault)
    if (bNoDefault) {
      bNoDefault = FALSE;
      rb->status |= 0x01;
  return bOk;

// Remove button with passed ID from the list (if it exists)
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. button destroyed
//	    FALSE .. did not exist!
BOOL RbCtrl::Destroy (UINT16 n)
  BOOL bRes = BtnFind(n);

  if (bRes)
  return bRes;

// Wreave through the list to see if any button corresponds to the passed
// ALT-key scan code.  If so, graphically set "off" all other buttons
// (there should only be one!) and set it "on", returning its ID.
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of radio button set.
UINT16 RbCtrl::Scan (char ch)

  if (BtnHit(ch)) {
    btn *p = (btn*)DblGetHead();
    while (p) {
      if (p->status & 0x01) {
	if (p != pb) {
      p = (btn*)DblGetNext();
    if ((pb->status & 0x01) == 0)
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// Same as above, but using a point as the event trigger..
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of radio button set.
UINT16 RbCtrl::Scan (point& Pt)

  if (BtnHit(Pt)) {
    btn *p = (btn*)DblGetHead();
    while (p) {
      if (p->status & 0x01) {
	if (p != pb) {
      p = (btn*)DblGetNext();
    if ((pb->status & 0x01) == 0)
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// Repaint all defined radio buttons
void RbCtrl::Refresh (void)
  btn *pb;

  pb = (btn*)DblGetHead();
  while (pb) {
    pb = (btn*)DblGetNext();
// Draw and optionally label a Check Box.
void CbCtrl::Render (btn *p)
  INT16 x, y;

  x = p->r.ul.x;
  y = p->r.ul.y + ((p->r.lr.y - p->r.ul.y - CB_Height) >> 1);
  GfxMoveTo(x+CB_Width, y), GfxLineTo(x, y), GfxLineTo(x, y+CB_Height);
  GfxLineTo(x+CB_Width, y+CB_Height), GfxLineTo(x+CB_Width, y+1);
  p->status ^= 0x01;
  if (p->pst) {
    rect rr = p->r;
    rr.ul.x += CB_Width + GfxTextExtent(" ");
    CtrlTxtLab(p->pst->StrGet(), rr, CTLS_LJustify);

// Toggle Check Box status and redraw its graphic state accordingly.
void CbCtrl::Toggle (btn *p)
  INT16 x, y;

  x = p->r.ul.x + 1;
  y = p->r.ul.y + ((p->r.lr.y - p->r.ul.y - CB_Height) >> 1) + 1;
  Mickey.AutoPointer(x, y, x+CB_Height, y+CB_Width);
  GfxRect(x, y, x+CB_Width-2, y+CB_Height-2, GFX_Fill, _White);
  p->status = (p->status & 0xfffe) | ((p->status & 0x01) ^ 0x01);
  if (p->status & 0x01) {
    GfxMoveTo(x, y), GfxLineTo(x+CB_Width-2, y+CB_Height-2);
    GfxMoveTo(x+CB_Width-2, y), GfxLineTo(x, y+CB_Height-2);

// Create a new Check Box as defined by the passed params and draw it.
// The coords define the centre of the actual Box.  A "Hot" area is
// developed from this to include the control's label.
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. button added to list
//          FALSE .. unable to create button
BOOL CbCtrl::Create (UINT16 n, char *st, INT16 x, INT16 y, BOOL bSet)
  btn *cb;
  BOOL bOk;
  rect r;

  r.ul.x = MAX(0, x - (CB_Width >> 1));
  r.ul.y = MAX(0, y - (MAX(CB_Height, GfxTextHeight()) >> 1));
  r.lr.y = y + (MAX(CB_Height, GfxTextHeight()) >> 1);
  r.lr.x = x + CB_Width + GfxTextExtent(" ") + GfxTextExtent(st);
  if (strchr(st, '&'))
    r.lr.x -= GfxTextExtent("&");
  if (bOk = BtnNew(n, st, r)) {
    cb = (btn*)DblGetTail();
    if (bSet)
      cb->status |= 0x01;
  return bOk;

// Remove button with passed ID from the list (if it exists)
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. button destroyed
//	    FALSE .. did not exist!
BOOL CbCtrl::Destroy (UINT16 n)
  BOOL bRes = BtnFind(n);

  if (bRes)
  return bRes;

// Wander through the list to see if any Box corresponds to the
// passed ALT-key scan code.  If so, graphically toggle its state.
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of Check Box toggled.
UINT16 CbCtrl::Scan (char ch)

  if (BtnHit(ch)) {
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// Same as above, but using a point as the event trigger..
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of radio button set.
UINT16 CbCtrl::Scan (point& Pt)

  if (BtnHit(Pt)) {
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// Routine to return the state (on/off) of check box with the passed ID
// RETURNS: TRUE  .. state stored in passed reference var
//	    FALSE .. unknown check box ID
BOOL CbCtrl::State (UINT16 id, BOOL &bState)
  if (BtnFind(id)) {
    bState = (BOOL)(pb->status & 0x01);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

// Repaint all defined check boxes
void CbCtrl::Refresh (void)
  btn *pb;

  pb = (btn*)DblGetHead();
  while (pb) {
    pb = (btn*)DblGetNext();
// Here is the system menu gadget.  For a change we need a constructor..
// This will draw a DESK TOP Title area with optional close gadget and
// title text.
SysMenu::SysMenu (char *st, BOOL bCloseGadget)

  if (bCloseGadget) {
    rect rr(0, 0, SYS_Width-1, SYS_Height-1);
    if (BtnNew(ID_CLOSE, "", rr)) {
      btn *sb = (btn*)DblGetTail();
      sb->HotKey = ALT_F4;
    rr.lr.x = rr.lr.y = 0;
    if (BtnNew(ID_HELP, "", rr)) {
      btn *sb = (btn*)DblGetTail();
      sb->HotKey = F1_KEY;
    if (BtnNew(ID_REDRAW, "", rr)) {
      btn *sb = (btn*)DblGetTail();
      sb->HotKey = ALT_F5;
  if (st) {
    stTitle = st;
    rect rt(SYS_Width, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, SYS_Height-1);
    CtrlTxtLab(st, rt, CTLS_Centre, _BrightWhite);

// Draw the Title bar
void SysMenu::RenderTB (void)
  rect r(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, SYS_Height-1);

  GfxMoveTo(0, SYS_Height), GfxLineTo(GFX_Xmin-1, SYS_Height);
  if (SYS_BarPatFgnd == SYS_BarPatBkgnd)
    GfxRect(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, SYS_Height, GFX_Fill, SYS_BarPatBkgnd);
  else {
    GfxRect(0, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, SYS_Height, GFX_Fill, SYS_BarPatBkgnd);
  if (stTitle.StrGetLen()) {
    r.ul.x = SYS_Width;
    char *psz = stTitle.StrGet();
    CtrlTxtLab(psz, r, CTLS_Centre, _BrightWhite);

// Draw the close gadget in one of its two states
void SysMenu::RenderCG (BOOL bSel)
  UINT16 nBg = (bSel ? _DarkGrey : _White),
         nBar = (bSel ? _BrightWhite : _Black),
         nShad = (bSel ? _White : _DarkGrey);

  Mickey.AutoPointer(0, 0, SYS_Width, SYS_Height);
  GfxRect(0, 0, SYS_Width-1, SYS_Height-1, GFX_Fill, nBg);
  GfxRect(4, 7, 13, 10, GFX_Fill, _BrightWhite);
  GfxRect(3, 7, 14, 10, GFX_Frame, nBar);
  GfxMoveTo(5, 11), GfxLineTo(15, 11), GfxLineTo(15, 9);
  GfxMoveTo(SYS_Width, SYS_Height), GfxLineTo(SYS_Width, 0);

// Walk through the system menu gadget list to see if anything corresponds
// to the passed Hot Key code.  Possibilities are system gadgets (Iconize,
// Maximise/Minimise and Close) or a user defined Pop-up Menu.  Some, you
// may notice, are not yet implemented (NYI).
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown, or ID of item selected.
UINT16 SysMenu::Scan (char ch)

  if (BtnHit(ch)) {
    if (pb->Id == ALT_F4) {
    return pb->Id;
  return 0;

// This does the double click for the close gadget. On the click that "sets"
// the graphic to clicked, ws store the time.  On the next click, we see if
// the difference is within the double-click delay and respond accordingly.
// RETURNS: ZERO if code unknown or clicks too far apart, ID otherwise..
UINT16 SysMenu::Scan (point& Pt)
  static long lDblClk1, lDblClk2;
  static BOOL bState = TRUE;

  if (BtnHit(Pt)) {
    if (bState) {
      lDblClk1 = Clock.GetTocks();      
      bState = FALSE;
      return 0;
    lDblClk2 = Clock.GetTocks();      
    bState = TRUE;
    return (lDblClk2 - lDblClk1 <= SYS_DBLclick) ? pb->Id : 0;
  return 0;

// Change the Application title.  Bit tricky.. we need to erase the area
// occupied by the previous title (if any) having regard for whether the
// title bar is a plain color or patterned.  Both this and the text
// replacement (again, if any) need to adjust the location to account for
// possible presence of the close gadget.
void SysMenu::SysTitle (char* st, rect &r)
  INT16 nOffset = r.ul.x + (BtnHit(ALT_F4) ? SYS_Width : 0);

  if (stTitle.StrGetLen()) {
    INT16 y1 = r.ul.y + ((SYS_Height - GfxTextHeight()) >> 1);
    INT16 y2 = y1 + GfxTextHeight();
    INT16 x2 = GfxTextExtent(stTitle.StrGet());
    INT16 x1 = nOffset + ((r.lr.x - nOffset - x2) >> 1);
    x2 += x1;
    Mickey.AutoPointer(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    if (SYS_BarPatFgnd == SYS_BarPatBkgnd)
      GfxRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, GFX_Fill, SYS_BarPatBkgnd);
    else {
      GfxSetClip(x1, y1, x2, y2);
      GfxRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, GFX_Fill, SYS_BarPatBkgnd);
  stTitle = st;
  if (stTitle.StrGetLen()) {
    rect r(nOffset, 0, GFX_Xmin-1, SYS_Height-1);
    CtrlTxtLab(st, r, CTLS_Centre, _BrightWhite);

// Repaint all defined system gadgets, menus, etc..
void SysMenu::Refresh (void)
  if (BtnHit(ALT_F4))
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