
//  MODULE : App - Class definition for an "application"		  *
//  AUTHOR : Ron Chernich                                                 *
//  PURPOSE: Open a graphics screen, instanciate all the base controls	  *
//	     types (which will be empty) and provide a messaging system   *
//	     on which an application can be built.			  *
//  HISTORY:                                                              *
//   22-JAN-93	First (MSC/C++ 7.00) version				  *
//   28-JAN-93	Modal/Modeless Window class added to allow pop-ups.	  *
//   02-FEB-94  Anti-fascist mode window re-paint added for Xlib support  *
//   05-FEB-94  "Window" changed to "AppWindow" 'cause of Xlib clash.     *

#ifndef _RCOS_APP

  #include "obj.hh"
  #include "timer.hh"
  #include "ctrls.hh"
  #include "userip.hh"

  * First, define destinations, then messages..
  #define   RC_System	2000	// has title and close gadget, but no border
  #define   RC_Modal	2001	// has border, optional title bar, no close
  #define   RC_Modeless 2002	// has the works.

  #define   RC_Userapp	2010	// message destinations
  #define   RC_Sysapp	2011

  #define   RC_Click	2020	// user has clicked on a control
  #define   RC_Close	2021	// user wants to terminate application
  #define   RC_HelpKey	2022	// system level F1 key press
  #define   RC_Paint	2023	// system needs display totally redrawn

  #define   RC_PushBtn	2100	// creatable control gadgets
  #define   RC_RadioBtn 2101
  #define   RC_CheckBox 2102

  // This is a "Window".  Instantiating one of these gives a work area
  // (the graphic window) with anchors for all three button types, and
  // some options, like menu bars and close gadget.  The window can be
  // system modal (no menu bar, all input limited to the window), or
  // modeless (menu bar, inputs go to it and its modeless ancestors).
  // NOTE that (mostly) there will only ever be one instance of the
  // "Window" class and that will belong to the one instance of the
  // "Application" class.  Child windows are linked to the original
  // window instance by calls to , so all the constructor need
  // do is invoke that member to do create the head element.  In fact,
  // this whole class probably should be private to the "App" class.
  class AppWindow : public DblList {
    typedef struct winTag {
      rect r;
      INT16  mode;
      PbCtrl Pb;
      RbCtrl Rb;
      CbCtrl Cb;
      SysMenu *Sys;
      PIMBUF  pi;
    } WIN;
    typedef winTag *PWIN;
    PWIN pw;
    AppWindow (INT16 md = RC_Modeless,			   // window type
	    char* st = NULL,				   // title
	    INT16 x1 = 0, INT16 y1 = 0,			   // location UL
	    INT16 x2 = GFX_Xmin-1, INT16 y2 = GFX_Ymin-1,  // location BR
	    INT16 n1 = _Black,				   // window color
	    INT16 n2 = _Black)				   // modal border
	   { Open(md, st, x1, y1, x2, y2, n1, n2); };
    ~AppWindow (void);
    UINT16 Scan (char);
    UINT16 Scan (point&);
    void   Title (char*);
    void   Close (void);
    virtual void Refresh (void);
    BOOL   CBstate (UINT16 , BOOL&);
    BOOL   Open (UINT16, char*, INT16, INT16, INT16, INT16, UINT16, UINT16);
    BOOL   Create (UINT16, UINT16, char*, INT16, INT16, INT16, INT16);
    BOOL   Destroy (UINT16, UINT16);

  // And this is an "Application".  There can be only one of these and it
  // has the system timer ISR, the base Window and the Message switching
  // centre for window action traffic.
  class App : private DblList {
    struct msgstruct {
      INT16  dest;		// who it's from
      UINT16 message;		// what it is
      UINT16 wParam;		// optional 16 bit param
      UINT32 lParam;		// and 32 bit param (usually a pointer)
    BOOL bGfxOpen;
    msgstruct *pm;
    void AppRun (void);
    AppWindow *pMain;
    App (char* = NULL);
    ~App ();
    void AppTitle   (char *st)
      { pMain->Title(st); };
    BOOL AppDestroy (UINT16 n, UINT16 id)
      { return pMain->Destroy(n, id); };
    BOOL AppCreate  (UINT16 n, UINT16 id, char *st,
                     int p1, int p2, int p3 = 0, int p4 = 0)
      { return pMain->Create(n, id, st, p1, p2, p3, p4); };
    BOOL AppGetMsg  (UINT16&, UINT16&, UINT32&);
    BOOL AppRunning (void)
      { return bGfxOpen; };
    BOOL AppChildWin (UINT16 md, char *st,
                      INT16 x1, INT16 y1, INT16 x2, INT16 y2,
		      UINT16 n1 = _Green, UINT16 n2 = _BrightWhite)
      { return pMain->Open(md, st, x1, y1, x2, y2, n1, n2); };
    void AppCloseWin (void)
      { pMain->Close(); };
    BOOL AppCBstate (UINT16 uId, BOOL &bCB)
      { return pMain->CBstate(uId, bCB); };

  #define _RCOS_APP

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